Guiffy Software
The Advanced Cross-Platform Diff/Merge

Screen Shots
Here's a few Guiffy screen shots to give you an idea what it looks like. These views show Guiffy's visual diff file compare views, its visual directory compare (folder and file tree compare) view, and the 3-way merge interface.

Our screenshot Archives reflect Guiffy's development and advances from early 1.x releases to today. These are the "postcards" we collected along the way. Guiffy's user interface has been translated to German, Spanish, Italian, French, and Swedish - checkout those screenshots. And, Guiffy has UNICODE support builtin - checkout the screenshots from China and Japan.

Clickon the "postcards" below for a better view of each screen shot in a separate window.


From 2024 Guiffy 12.3 release

Guiffy 12.3 ignore whitespace EOL

Here's Guiffy 12.3's new Ignore Whitespace EOL option

From 2022 Guiffy 12.0 release

Guiffy 12.0 toolbars

Here's Guiffy 12.0's new Toolbars on Windows 11

Guiffy 12.0 Dark Mode

Here's Guiffy 12.0's Dark Mode on Windows 11

Guiffy 12.0 MacOS toolbars

Here's Guiffy 12.0's new Toolbars on MacOS 12

Guiffy 12.0 Linux toolbars

Here's Guiffy 12.0's new Toolbars on Suse 15 Linux

From 2017 Guiffy 11.6 - 11.7 releases

Guiffy 11.7 Binary Diff

Here's a shot of the 11.7 Binary Diff tool

From 2016 Guiffy 11.4 - 11.5 releases

Guiffy 11.5 on MacOS X 10.12 (Sierra)

Here's a shot of 11.5 on MacOS X 10.12 (Sierra)

Without align

Here's two screenshots showing off the Align Similar Lines feature:
The first shows a compare without Align Similar Lines selected

Without align

And this shot shows the same compare with Align Similar Lines selected

From 2015 Guiffy 11.2 release

Guiffy 11.2 on MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan)

Here's a shot of 11.2 on MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan)

Guiffy 11.2 on Windows 10

Here's a shot of 11.2 on Windows 10

From 2014 Guiffy 10.4 - 11.0 releases

Guiffy 11.0

Here's Guiffy 11.0's new Toolbars and Tabbed Open Pane

Guiffy 10.6 BIG file compare

Here's a shot of 10.6 File Compare > 2GB

Guiffy 10.5 Image Diff

Here's a shot of the 10.5 Image Diff tool

From 2013 Guiffy 10.3 release

Guiffy 10.3 Compare Report

Here's a shot of a 10.3 Compare Report with Diff Navigation bars

From 2012 Guiffy 10.0 - 10.2 releases

Guiffy 10.2 on Windows 8

Here's a shot of 10.2 on Windows 8

Guiffy 10.1 on MacOS X 10.8

Here's a shot of 10.1 on MacOS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

Compare XLS files

Here's a shot from 10.0 of a XLS file compare with Tika Filter Plugin
(Plugin converted the XLS files to XHTML)


From 2011 Guiffy 9.4 release

Guiffy 9.4 on MacOS X 10.7

Here's a shot of 9.4 on MacOS X 10.7 (Lion)


From 2010 Guiffy 9.2 release

file compare report saved as HTML

Guiffy 9.2 Guiffy Report tool generates File Compare Reports as HTML. File Compare Reports reflect all of Guiffy's Style (Color and Font) choices and the diff results driven by Ignore and Show options.

Guiffy Compare Report HTML has been W3C validated.

Valid HTML 4!   and   Valid CSS!


From 2009 Guiffy 9.0 release

Guiffy 9.0 on Windows 7

Here's a shot of 9.0 on Windows 7

Guiffy 9.0 on MacOS X 10.6

Here's a shot of 9.0 on MacOS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

diff Syntax Highlighting

Here's a shot from 9.0 of a Java file compare with Syntax Highlighting enabled

archive file / folder compare

Here's another shot from 9.0 of folder compare - comparing a .zip archive file with a folder


From 2007 Guiffy 8.0 release

3-way merge on Vista

Here's a shot from 8.0 (with the 1.6 JRE) of the 3-way merge interface on Vista


From 2005 Guiffy 7.0 release

file compare report saved as HTML

Guiffy 7.0 File Compare Reports reflect all of Guiffy's Style (Color and Font) choices and the diff results driven by Ignore and Show options.

Guiffy Compare Report HTML has been W3C validated.

Valid HTML 4!   and   Valid CSS!


From 2004 Guiffy 6.x releases

file tree compare lauches file compare

Here's a shot showing 6.0 File Tree Compare View details and styles running with the Java 1.4.2 WindowsXP Look and Feel.
Expand a subfolder... Double-click on a file in Guiffy's Folder Compare and a File Compare view is quickly generated in another window.

3-way merge on Solaris

Here's a shot from 6.1 of the 3-way merge interface on Solaris.


A-R-C-H-I-V-E-S From 2003 -- Guiffy 5.x releases

3-way merge on OpenVMS

Here's a preview of Guiffy 5.0 on OpenVMS from Tim Yeung at HP doing a login.com file merge. THANKS Tim ___ NOW, VMS is Very Merge Smart ;-))

Swedish visual diff interface

Bjorn Soderstrom, a Guiffy user, translated the user interface to Swedish.
Here's a "postcard" 5.2 Screen Shot of Guiffy in Swedish - the file diff view with an open dialog.
Bjorn, THANKS a 1,000,000.

3-way merge on Red Hat Linux

Here's a shot from 5.2 of the 3-way merge interface on Red Hat Linux 9.

3-way merge on MacOS X

Here's a shot from 5.2 of the 3-way merge interface on MacOS X.

A-R-C-H-I-V-E-S From 2001 -- Guiffy 3.x releases

French visual diff interface

In Guiffy 3.7 we translated the user interface to French.
Here's a Screen Shot of Guiffy 3.7 in French - the file diff view with an options dialog.

Italian visual diff interface

In Guiffy 3.7 we translated the user interface to Italian.
Here's a Screen Shot of Guiffy 3.7 in Italian - the file diff view with an options dialog.

A-R-C-H-I-V-E-S From 2000 -- Guiffy 1.x & 2.x releases

visual diff
This is a file compare view of a diff in Guiffy's default style. You can change the colors and fonts etc., choose a type of split view, show only the differences or within a context, and many other choices. When you get it just the way you like it, you can save your settings - to be preset for all your subsequent Guiffy usage. Lets try some of those options!

visual compare style
Sorry! Maybe, a bit extreme - but you get the idea. This is the same file compare view split horizontally with a "blackout" style to it.

diff with n lines of context
Here's a visual diff file compare with N lines of context.

merge view
Da Merge interface. Guiffy's diff/merge view has 3 views, the 2 diff views plus the merge result window (which can be edited). Merges can be be performed with the 2 compare files interactively, or as a 3-way auto merge with the 3rd (parent) file specified.

directory compare
The Folder Compare Tree view. Guiffy's directory compare also be performed recursively to do a file tree compare.

visual diff file compare view on Solaris...
Naga Prakasam beta tested Guiffy 1.1 on Solaris 2.7 with JDK 1.2.2.
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot, a file compare visual diff. THANKS, Naga - wish I was there...(Oh Yeah, I WAS!!! ;-)

3-way merge on Linux
Juan Miguel Rodriguez beta tested Guiffy 1.1 on Linux (Caldera OpenLinux eDesktop 2).
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot, a diff/merge view. THANKS, JuanMi - wish I was there...

file compare on OS/2

Carsten Mueller beta tested Guiffy 1.1 on OS/2 Warp4 with JDK 1.1.8 and Swing 1.1.
Note the German File Open Dialog - Carsten is from Hamburg, Germany.
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot, a diff of 2 perl files. THANKS, Carsten - wish I was there...

visiual diff on MacOS
Bill Ritcher beta tested Guiffy 1.4 on MacOS 8 with MRJ 2.2 and Swing 1.1.
Here's his "postcard" (a visual file diff) Screen Shot - from another world. Wish I was there(Oh, Yeah, I was)...

visual diff on HPUX
Naga Prakasam beta tested Guiffy 1.1 on HPUX 11 with JDK 1.2.2.
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot, a simple file compare view. THANKS, Naga - wish I was there...(Oh Yeah, I WAS!!! ;-)

German file compare interface

Carsten Mueller translated Guiffy's user interface to German.
Here's a "postcard" Screen Shot of Guiffy in German - a file compare view with the German file open dialog. THANKS, Carsten.
I've been there and look forward to another visit. ;-)
Vielen Dank Herr Mueller.

Spanish visual diff interface

Juan Miguel Rodriguez translated Guiffy's user interface to Spanish.
Here's a "postcard" Screen Shot of Guiffy in Spanish - the file diff view with an open dialog. THANKS, JuanMi.
I've been there and look forward to another visit soon. ;-D
Mucho Gracias Sr. Rodriguez.

Visual diff with Japanese character set

Yihpyng Kuan beta tested Guiffy 1.2 in Japanese - "No Problem".
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot - file compare together view with Japanese characters. THANKS, Yihpyng - THIS picture is worth a 1,0000 words ^-^.

Chinese file compare with Chinese characters

Then, Yihpyng Kuan beta tested Guiffy 1.3 on Chinese Windows 98 - "No Problem".
Here's his "postcard" Screen Shot - showing a visual diff with Chinese characters. THANKS, Yihpyng - THIS picture is worth a 1,0000 words ^-^ too !!!

visual diff on MacOS X

Here's a preview of Guiffy on MacOS X in the new Aqua interface from Samantha Kine at Starbase showing a file compare view. THANKS Samantha ___ W-A-Y COOL ;-))

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