File Menu

open Open&Compare Files Opens 1st and 2nd files and then performs the compare.

filetree Open&Compare Folders Opens 1st and 2nd folders and then performs the compare.

Swap 1st/2nd Swaps the 1st/2nd files or folders and performs compare.

save 1st Save 1st Saves (replaces) the 1st file. Line Numbers (if displayed) and the diff "keys" column are NOT written to the saved file. Lines marked as "removed" and "filler" lines are also NOT written to the saved file.
save 2nd Save 2nd Saves (replaces) the 2nd file. Line Numbers (if displayed) and the diff "keys" column are NOT written to the saved file. Lines marked as "removed" and "filler" lines are also NOT written to the saved file.
Save 1st + Reload Compare Saves (replaces) the 1st file and then Reloads Compare.
Save 2nd + Reload Compare Saves (replaces) the 2nd file and then Reloads Compare.
Save 1st As Saves the 1st text to the file specified. Line Numbers (if displayed) and the diff "keys" column are NOT written to the saved file. Lines marked as "removed" and "filler" lines are also NOT written to the saved file.
Save 2nd As Saves the 2nd text to the file specified. Line Numbers (if displayed) and the diff "keys" column are NOT written to the saved file. Lines marked as "removed" and "filler" lines are also NOT written to the saved file.
Save Difference Saves the Together view text to the file specified. File Compares or Folder Compares can be Saved this way.
Save As Unified Diff Saves the compare as a Unified Diff patch - useful for updating a remote file. Number of lines of context specified by file compare Show options. Type of End-of-Lines specified by Write EOLs option. Encoding format specified by Encoding (Charsets)... Encoding of: Saved files option.

Compare Report (HTML) Preview/Print Build and Preview/Print Compare Report (by launching your browser). A Together or Split view (side-by-side) report is generated depending upon the current view. The Report reflects all of Guiffy's Style (Color and Font) choices and the compare results with the current Ignore and Show settings. File Compares or Folder Compares can be built this way.
Save Compare Report (HTML) Saves the Compare Report as HTML to the file name specified. The saved report file can be viewed/printed with any browser. The Guiffy Compare Report HTML has been W3C validated.
Valid HTML 4! and Valid CSS!
A Together or Split view (side-by-side) report is generated depending upon the current view. The Report reflects all of Guiffy's Style (Color and Font) choices and the compare results with the current Ignore and Show settings. File Compares or Folder Compares can be Saved this way. The Guiffy Folder Compare Report avoids the use of graphic references so that the report can be a contained in a single file.

Recent Files Guiffy maintains a list of 8 most recently opened file pairs. Choosing a "1st=" and then "2nd=" opens the pair of files and performs a compare.
Recent Folders Guiffy maintains a list of 8 most recently opened folder pairs. Choosing a "1st=" and then "2nd=" opens the pair of folders (filtered by file type) and performs a compare.

Close Window Close Window (Ctrl-W) Closes a view on MacOS X (Command-W).
Exit Quits Guiffy.
seeSee also:

Documentation by Guiffy Software, Inc. 2018