How To use Guiffy from Linux KDE
From Linux KDE you can select two files or two folders, and then select a Guiffy "Action"
added in the context menu (right click) to do a Compare.
Here's how to setup Guiffy as an "Action" in KDE's context menu:
Edit the "compare_with_Guiffy.deskop" file in your Guiffy install folder.
Verify the "Exec=" path matches where you installed Guiffy. Then,
copy "Compare_with_Guiffy.desktop" to your
KDE configuration: "~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus". You may need to create
this path if you haven't added other KDE Actions.
Here's how to do file or folder compares from KDE:
- Click on one file/folder to select it.
- Ctrl-Click on the other file/folder to select it.
- Then, Right-Click on the last file/folder, in the context menu move the cursor
to "Actions" and click on "Compare with Guiffy..."
Documentation by
Guiffy Software, Inc. 2012