Guiffy Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do you pronounce
Guiffy? A: I pronounce
Guiffy like "Goofy". I know, it sounds bad and it takes alot of
guts to say "Goofy" or "Goofy Software". But, if you don't have
alot of guts, you shouldn't be a Micro ISV. And, you shouldn't
tackle a problem that has puzzled tool vendors for 20 years ---
the auto, 3-way merge.
Anyway, if you have a problem telling your boss or other folks
that you use or recommend purchasing "Goofy Software's product"
--- You can always pronounce it some other way and/or say
As our
White Paper explains --- Guiffy SureMerge isn't "goofy"
at all... But, there are some "goofy" auto merge things out
BTW: Guiffy kinda comes from --- GUI diFF and 3-waY
Q: I don't see any User Home/Library
folder on my Mac (~/Library/Preferences/Guiffy Prefs)
- which is where the Guiffy configuration info
and my license key file is saved.
A: On MacOS X 10.7 and later releases ~/Library is hidden.
To temporarily access the Library folder in Finder:
Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/ (without the quotes).
Q: How do I compare a whole file
tree - instead of just one folder? A: Options -> Folder Show... Show SubFolders
Q: Guiffy hangs when I try to do a
BIG folder compare with 10000s of files/subfolders.
A: You need to allow Guiffy to
allocate more memory (heap space). See Tech Note 3 (also in
Guiffy's application Help)
on how to increase the maximum heap size.
Q: Guiffy doesn't display my file
compare correctly - shows little box characters or "garbage".
A: You need to specify the
Encoding format of your files and select a Unicode font.
See: Options -> Encoding(Charsets)... and Options -> Font...
Q: The Guiffy install gets the
following error - on my Unix/Linux system, whats wrong?
A: This problem is caused by one of
the following:
- JDK(or JRE)/bin is not included in your PATH environment
- The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set incorrectly or a
symbolic link to the JDK/JRE conflicts with the location for
- No JDK/JRE has been installed on your system
Q: How do I uninstall or update Guiffy?
A: See this tech note (also in
Guiffy's application Help)
on how to uninstall or update Guiffy.