public class GuiffyPanel
extends javax.swing.JPanel
Guiffy is a source file compare/merge utility(component). Plus, Guiffy also compares File Folders/Trees. The Guiffy extended JPanel includes: MergeText view, Merging ButtonBar, File TitleBars, 3 compare text views(Together view, 1st file view, 2nd file view), synchronized vertical and horizontal scroll bars, visual difference meters, and a status/progress bar. Functionality is included for Edit controls including Undo/Redo, text searching, and logical navigation. The Compare and Merge text views support basic editing operations. Extensive application JavaHelp documentation is accessible which supports TOC, Index, and Search navigation.
Guiffy's user interface is engineered for localization and has been translated for Spanish, German, Italian, French, and Swedish.
Guiffy compares/merges source(text) files of any type - supports Unicode character set. And, Guiffy accepts all 3 forms of end-of-line. Guiffy supports a user choice of compare algorithms: 1) Minimum lines of difference or 2) Minimum blocks of difference. The default(which can be switched by the user) is the Mimimum lines of difference. For files with more than 32K lines, Guiffy automatically switches to its Minimum blocks of difference algorithm. The Guiffy 3-way SureMerge employs the the Minimum blocks of difference algorithm. Guiffy does NOT impose any file size limits. And, Guiffy's comparison resolution algorithm is NOT sensitive to file size.
For each File property a set?File(filepath) or set?Reader/Writer(Reader/Writer) method can be used to specify the text content. By default the specified Reader/Writer is null and a filepath is required for the File's property.
Guiffy's Stylized Text views are proprietary implementations, optimized for exceptional performance with large text documents.
Guiffy's 3-way smart merge, SureMerge, automatically merges all changes except those which conflict. SureMerge's conflict detection algorithm treats inserts and deletes(not just changes) as conflicts. SureMerge extends its conflict attention span to include modifications very near to each other but not necessarily overlapping. Plus, the Attention Focus Expander option allows the user to expand the conflict/overlap area.
The default GuiffyPanel Size is 600, 450.
GuiffyPanel is initialized as not Visible.
If the GuiffyPanel constructor parameter usesettings is true - the user's SavedSettings are loaded and set. If usesettings is false - the File-SaveSettings action is disabled.
Serialized Formjava.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy, java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy
Modifier and Type | Field | Description |
static int |
Auto Save Settings Constants - controls automatically saving settings
on Exit.
static int |
static int |
Constructor | Description |
GuiffyPanel(boolean usesettings) |
Creates a GuiffyPanel with all the options defaulted, If usesettings
is true - the user's SavedSettings are loaded and set.
Modifier and Type | Method | Description |
void |
actionCopy() |
Action for Copy.
void |
actionExitMerge() |
Action for Exit (from Merge Bar).
void |
actionFind() |
Action for Find.
void |
actionFlip() |
Action for Flip.
void |
actionHelpAbout() |
Action for Help About.
void |
actionHelpContents() |
Action for Help Contents.
void |
actionHelpIndex() |
Action for Help Index.
void |
actionHelpSearch() |
Action for Help Search.
void |
actionKeepUndoAll() |
Action for KeepUndoAll.
void |
actionMark() |
Action for Mark Removed.
void |
actionMergeAutoShiftD() |
Action for Merge AutoShift to "Drive".
void |
actionMergeAutoShiftN() |
Action for Merge AutoShift to "Neutral".
void |
actionMergeAutoShiftR() |
Action for Merge AutoShift to "Reverse".
void |
actionNextAttention() |
Action for Next Attention.
void |
actionNextChange() |
Action for Next Change.
void |
actionOpenCFolders() |
Action for Open & Compare folders.
void |
actionOpenCMFiles() |
Action for Open & Compare/Merge files.
void |
actionOpenCVS() |
Action for Open CVS Conflict file.
void |
actionOpenSMF() |
Action for Open Saved Merge file.
void |
actionOptsColor() |
Action for Options Colors.
void |
actionOptsCompareMerge() |
Action for Options Compare/Merge.
void |
actionOptsEncode() |
Action for Options Encoding.
void |
actionOptsEOLs() |
Action for Options Write EOLs.
void |
actionOptsFolderIgnore() |
Action for Options Folder Ignore.
void |
actionOptsFolderShow() |
Action for Options Folder Show.
void |
actionOptsFont() |
Action for Options Fonts.
void |
actionOptsFTypes() |
Action for Options File Types.
void |
actionOptsIgnore() |
Action for Options Ignore.
void |
actionOptsShortcuts() |
Action for Options Shortcuts.
void |
actionOptsShow() |
Action for Options Show.
void |
actionOptsStyle() |
Action for Options Style.
void |
actionOptsSyntaxHighlightingFileTypes() |
Action for Options Syntax Highlighting File Types.
void |
actionOptsSyntaxHighlightingStyles() |
Action for Options Syntax Highlighting Styles.
void |
actionPaste() |
Action for Paste.
void |
actionPreviousAttention() |
Action for Previous Attention.
void |
actionPreviousChange() |
Action for Previous Change.
void |
actionPrint() |
Action for Print Difference.
void |
actionRedo() |
Action for Redo.
void |
actionRep1stin2nd() |
Action for Replace 1st in 2nd.
void |
actionRep2ndin1st() |
Action for Replace 2nd in 1st.
void |
actionSave1st() |
Action for Save 1st.
void |
actionSave1stAs() |
Action for Save 1stAs.
void |
actionSave2nd() |
Action for Save 2nd.
void |
actionSave2ndAs() |
Action for Save 2ndAs.
void |
actionSaveAsUnifiedDiff() |
Action for Save As Unified Diff.
void |
actionSaveDiff() |
Action for Save Difference.
void |
actionSaveHTML() |
Action for Save As HTML.
void |
actionSaveMerge() |
Action for Save Merge.
void |
actionSaveMergeExit() |
Action for Save Merge & Exit (from Merge Bar).
void |
actionSaveSettings() |
Action for Save Settings.
void |
actionUndo() |
Action for Undo.
void |
actionViewRefresh() |
Action for View Refresh.
void |
actionViewSplitHorizontal() |
Action for View Split Horizontal.
void |
actionViewSplitVertical() |
Action for View Split Vertical.
void |
actionViewTogether() |
Action for View Together.
void |
compareFiles(boolean vis) |
Compares the 1st and 2nd files and displays the differences
according to the options selected.
void |
compareFolders(boolean vis) |
Compares the 1st and 2nd folders and displays the differences
according to the options selected.
java.lang.String |
get1stFileEncoding() |
Returns FileEncoding for 1st files.
java.lang.String |
get2ndFileEncoding() |
Returns FileEncoding for 2nd files.
boolean |
getAutoDiff() |
Returns AutoDiff setting true or false.
boolean |
getAutoHTML() |
Returns AutoMTML setting true or false.
boolean |
getAutoMerg() |
Returns AutoMerg setting true or false.
java.awt.Color |
getBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Background(Matching) color option.
java.awt.Color |
getChangedBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Changed Background color option.
boolean |
getComparEditBarVisible() |
Returns ComparEditBarVisible option true or false.
java.awt.Color |
getDeletesBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Deleted Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getDeletesColor() |
Returns the Deleted text foreground color option.
java.awt.Font |
getDeletesFont() |
Returns the Deleted text font option.
boolean |
getEncodingAutoMode() |
Returns Encoding AutoMode.
boolean |
getEOLAutoMode() |
Returns EOL AutoMode.
java.lang.String |
getEOLOption() |
Returns Write EOLs option for Saved files.
int |
getExpandedFocus() |
Returns Attention(conflict) Focus Expander value.
java.lang.String |
getFileEncoding() |
Returns FileEncoding.
java.awt.Color |
getFillerBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Filler Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getFillerColor() |
Returns the Filler foreground color option.
java.awt.Font |
getFillerFont() |
Returns the Filler font option.
java.lang.String |
getH1() |
Returns the 1st FileName header.
java.lang.String |
getH2() |
Returns the 2nd FileName header.
java.lang.String |
getHM() |
Returns the Merge FileName header.
boolean |
getIgnoreAllFilsExcept() |
Returns ignore All files Except, (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreAllTypsExcept() |
Returns ignore All filetypes Except, (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreBlanklines() |
Returns IgnoreBlanklines option true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreCase() |
Returns IgnoreCase option true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreDateandTime() |
Returns ignore modified date and time (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreEmbeddedWhiteSpace() |
Returns Ignore Embedded type Whitespace option true of false.
boolean |
getIgnoreEOLWhiteSpace() |
Returns Ignore EOL type Whitespace option true of false.
int |
getIgnoreField2Begin() |
Returns IgnoreField2's beginning column.
int |
getIgnoreField2End() |
Returns IgnoreField2's ending column.
int |
getIgnoreFieldBegin() |
Returns IgnoreField's beginning column.
int |
getIgnoreFieldEnd() |
Returns IgnoreField's ending column.
boolean |
getIgnoreFileSize() |
Returns ignore file size (folder compares) option
true or false.
java.lang.String |
getIgnoreFils() |
Returns ignore files, (folder compares) list.
boolean |
getIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace() |
Returns Ignore Leading type Whitespace option true of false.
java.lang.String |
getIgnoreSubs() |
Returns ignore subfolders, (folder compares) list.
boolean |
getIgnoreSymbolicLinks() |
Returns ignore symbolic links (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getIgnoreTrailingWhiteSpace() |
Returns Ignore Trailing type Whitespace option true of false.
java.lang.String |
getIgnoreTyps() |
Returns ignore filetypes, (folder compares) list.
boolean |
getIgnoreWhitespace() |
Returns IgnoreWhitespace option true or false.
| |
getImageResource(java.lang.String ims) |
Returns the URL for an Image Resource.
java.awt.Color |
getInsertsBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Inserted Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getInsertsColor() |
Returns the Inserted text foreground color option.
java.awt.Font |
getInsertsFont() |
Returns the Inserted text font option.
java.awt.Color |
getLineNumBackgroundColor() |
Returns the LineNumbers Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getLineNumColor() |
Returns the LineNumbers foreground color option.
java.awt.Font |
getLineNumFont() |
Returns the LineNumber font option.
java.awt.Color |
getMatchingBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Matching Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getMatchingColor() |
Returns the Matching text foreground color option.
java.awt.Font |
getMatchingFont() |
Returns the Matching text font option.
java.lang.String |
getMergeAutoShift() |
Returns Merge AutoShift value.
boolean |
getMinimumBlocksDiff() |
Returns Minimize Blocks Changed Diff option
true or false.
boolean |
getMinimumLinesDiff() |
Returns Minimize Lines Changed Diff option
true or false.
int |
getNumberof1stApplied() |
Returns the number of changes applied from 1st.
int |
getNumberof2ndApplied() |
Returns the number of changes applied from 2nd.
int |
getNumberofAttentions() |
Returns the number of unresolved Attentions.
int |
getNumberofChanges() |
Returns the number of change blocks.
int |
getNumberofMergesToDo() |
Returns the number of unresolved Merge (2way) changes.
java.lang.String |
getP1() |
Returns the prefix for 1st FileName header.
java.lang.String |
getP2() |
Returns the prefix for 2nd FileName header.
java.lang.String |
getParentFileEncoding() |
Returns FileEncoding for Parent files.
java.lang.String |
getPM() |
Returns the prefix for Merge FileName header.
boolean |
getPromote() |
Returns Promote merge option
true or false.
java.lang.String[] |
getQtReTypes() |
Returns Ignore Regular Expressions types list.
java.lang.String[] |
getQtRexs() |
Returns Ignore Regular Expressions list.
java.lang.String |
getRepBakMode() |
Returns Replace / Backup mode for Saved files.
java.lang.String |
getSaveEncoding() |
Returns SaveEncoding.
java.awt.Color |
getSelectedBackgroundColor() |
Returns the Selected Background color option.
java.awt.Color |
getSelectedColor() |
Returns the Selected text foreground color option.
boolean |
getShowAdds() |
Returns show files Added (folder compares) option true or false.
boolean |
getShowAlignSimilarLines() |
Returns Show Align Similar Lines option true or false.
boolean |
getShowArcs() |
Returns show archive filetypes, recursively (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getShowChgs() |
Returns show files Changed (folder compares) option true or false.
boolean |
getShowContextDiffs() |
Returns Show Context Differences option true or false.
int |
getShowContextKB() |
Returns Show Context KB.
int |
getShowContextSize() |
Returns Show Context Differences Size.
boolean |
getShowContextWhen() |
Returns Show Context When option true or false.
boolean |
getShowDels() |
Returns show files Deleted (folder compares) option true or false.
boolean |
getShowFolderDefaultFont() |
Returns show folder compare using default Tree Font option
true or false.
boolean |
getShowFolderDetails() |
Returns show folder compare details (Size and Modified Date) option
true or false.
boolean |
getShowIgnoredDiffs() |
Returns Show Ignored Diffs option true or false.
boolean |
getShowInLineDiffs() |
Returns Show InLine Diffs option true or false.
boolean |
getShowInLineDiffsCharacter() |
Returns Show InLine Diffs Charcater option true or false.
int |
getShowInLineDiffsPercent() |
Returns Show InLine Diffs Percent value.
boolean |
getShowInLineDiffsString() |
Returns Show InLine Diffs String option true or false.
boolean |
getShowLineNumbers() |
Returns Show Line Numbers option true or false.
boolean |
getShowMats() |
Returns show Matching files (folder compares) option true or false.
boolean |
getShowOnlyDiffs() |
Returns Show Only Differences option true or false.
boolean |
getShowSubs() |
Returns show subfolders, recursively (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getShowSyntaxHighlighting() |
Returns Show Synatx Highlighting option true or false.
int |
getTabSize() |
Returns Tab Size option.
boolean |
getVerifyBxb() |
Returns Verify file matches, byte-by-byte (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getVerifySub() |
Returns Verify subfolder matches, (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getVerifyTxt() |
Returns Verify file matches, text compared (folder compares) option
true or false.
boolean |
getViewSplitHorizontal() |
Returns View Split Horizontal option true or false.
boolean |
getViewSplitVertical() |
Returns View Split Vertical option true or false.
boolean |
getViewTogether() |
Returns View Together option true or false.
void |
mergeCVSFile(boolean vis) |
Performs a Merge, Opens the CVS "conflict" file and displays the
differences according to the options selected.
void |
mergeFiles(boolean vis) |
Performs a Merge, Compares the 1st and 2nd files and displays the
differences according to the options selected.
void |
mergeSMFFile(boolean vis) |
Performs a Merge, Opens the Saved Merge file and displays the
differences according to the options selected.
void |
resetOptions() |
ReSets all the options to the defaults.
void |
resetSavedSettings() |
ReSets all the options to the defaults AND, resets to the
user SavedSettings.
void |
saveDiff(java.lang.String diffname) |
Saves Differences to file specified.
void |
set1stFile(java.lang.String firstname) |
Sets the 1st File Name.
void |
set1stFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods) |
Sets File Encoding for 1st files.
void |
set1stFolder(java.lang.String firstname) |
Sets the 1st Folder Name.
void |
set1stReader( firstrder) |
Sets the 1st Reader.
void |
set1stWriter( firstwrer) |
Sets the 1st Writer.
void |
set2ndFile(java.lang.String secndname) |
Sets the 2nd File Name.
void |
set2ndFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods) |
Sets File Encoding for 2nd files.
void |
set2ndFolder(java.lang.String secndname) |
Sets the 2nd Folder Name.
void |
set2ndReader( secndrder) |
Sets the 2nd Reader.
void |
set2ndWriter( secndwrer) |
Sets the 2nd Writer.
void |
setAllow1stEditing(boolean alledi) |
Sets Allow 1st File Editing during Compares true or false.
void |
setAllow1stPopup(boolean allpop) |
Sets Allow 1st File View Popup menu.
void |
setAllow2ndEditing(boolean alledi) |
Sets Allow 2nd File Editing during Compares true or false.
void |
setAllow2ndPopup(boolean allpop) |
Sets Allow 2nd File View Popup menu.
void |
setAllowMergePopup(boolean allpop) |
Sets Allow Merge View Popup menu.
void |
setAllowTogetherPopup(boolean allpop) |
Sets Allow Together View Popup menu.
void |
setAutoDiff(boolean autod,
java.lang.String autodfn) |
Sets AutoDiff option and the Save Diff filename.
void |
setAutoHTML(boolean autoh,
java.lang.String autohfn) |
Sets AutoHTML option and the Save HTML filename set.
void |
setAutoHTMLWriter( ahtmlwrer) |
Sets the AutoHTML Writer.
void |
setAutoMerg(boolean autom) |
Sets AutoMerg option.
void |
setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color baccol) |
Sets the Background color option(Matching, Inserted, and Deleted).
void |
setChangedBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color chnbac) |
Sets the Changed background color option.
void |
setComparEditBarVisible(boolean vcebar) |
Sets View display ComparEdit ToolBar option true or false.
void |
setCVSFile(java.lang.String cvsctname) |
Sets the CVS "conflict" File Name.
void |
setDeletesBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color delbac) |
Sets the Deleted background color option.
void |
setDeletesColor(java.awt.Color delcol) |
Sets the Deleted text foreground color option.
void |
setDeletesFont(java.awt.Font delfon) |
Sets the Deleted text font option.
void |
setEditableH1(boolean hdredi) |
Sets the 1st FileName header Editable.
void |
setEditableH2(boolean hdredi) |
Sets the 2nd FileName header Editable.
void |
setEditableHM(boolean hdredi) |
Sets the Merge FileName header Editable.
void |
setEncodingAutoMode(boolean sam) |
Sets the Encoding AutoMode.
void |
setEOLAutoMode(boolean sam) |
Sets the EOL AutoMode.
void |
setEOLOption(java.lang.String eolopt) |
Sets Write EOLs option for Saved files.
void |
setExpandedFocus(int expfoc) |
Sets Attention(conflict) Focus Expander for SureMerge.
void |
setFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods) |
Sets File Encoding for 1st, 2nd, and Parent files.
void |
setFillerBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color filbac) |
Sets the Filler background color option.
void |
setFillerColor(java.awt.Color filcol) |
Sets the Filler foreground color option.
void |
setFillerFont(java.awt.Font filfon) |
Sets the Fillers font option.
void |
setGuiffyExit(GuiffyExit hook) |
Sets the GuiffyExit hook of the GuiffyPanel
If set to null, a previously added GuiffyExit hook will be removed.
void |
setH1(java.lang.String header) |
Sets the 1st FileName header.
void |
setH2(java.lang.String header) |
Sets the 2nd FileName header.
void |
setHM(java.lang.String header) |
Sets the Merge FileName header.
void |
setIgnoreAllFilsExcept(boolean igafe) |
Sets ignore All files Except, (folder compares)
true or false.
void |
setIgnoreAllTypsExcept(boolean igate) |
Sets ignore All filetypes Except, (folder compares)
true or false.
void |
setIgnoreBlanklines(boolean ignbln) |
Sets IgnoreBlanklines option true or false.
void |
setIgnoreCase(boolean igncas) |
Sets IgnoreCase option true or false.
void |
setIgnoreDateandTime(boolean igmdat) |
Sets ignore modified date and time (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setIgnoreEmbeddedWhiteSpace(boolean igs) |
Sets Ignore Embedded type Whitespace flag.
void |
setIgnoreEOLWhiteSpace(boolean igs) |
Sets Ignore EOL type Whitespace flag.
void |
setIgnoreField(int begcol,
int endcol) |
Sets IgnoreField option columns xxx thru yyy.
void |
setIgnoreField2(int begcol,
int endcol) |
Sets IgnoreField2 option columns xxx thru yyy.
void |
setIgnoreFileSize(boolean igfsiz) |
Sets ignore file size (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setIgnoreFils(java.lang.String igfils) |
Sets ignore files, (folder compares) list.
void |
setIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace(boolean igs) |
Sets Ignore Leading type Whitespace flag.
void |
setIgnoreSubs(java.lang.String igsubs) |
Sets ignore subfolders, (folder compares) list.
void |
setIgnoreSymbolicLinks(boolean igsyml) |
Sets ignore Symbolic Links (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setIgnoreTrailingWhiteSpace(boolean igs) |
Sets Ignore Trailing type Whitespace flag.
void |
setIgnoreTyps(java.lang.String igtyps) |
Sets ignore filetypes, (folder compares) list.
void |
setIgnoreWhitespace(boolean ignwhi) |
Sets IgnoreWhitespace of all types option true or false.
void |
setInsertsBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color insbac) |
Sets the Inserted background color option.
void |
setInsertsColor(java.awt.Color inscol) |
Sets the Inserted text foreground color option.
void |
setInsertsFont(java.awt.Font insfon) |
Sets the Inserted text font option.
void |
setLineNumBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color linbac) |
Sets the LineNumbers background color option.
void |
setLineNumColor(java.awt.Color lincol) |
Sets the LineNumbers foreground color option.
void |
setLineNumFont(java.awt.Font linfon) |
Sets the LineNumbers font option.
void |
setMatchingBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color matbac) |
Sets the Matching background color option.
void |
setMatchingColor(java.awt.Color matcol) |
Sets the Matching text foreground color option.
void |
setMatchingFont(java.awt.Font matfon) |
Sets the Matching text font option.
void |
setMergeAutoShift(java.lang.String shifts) |
Sets Merge AutoShift to [R] [N] or [D].
void |
setMinimumBlocksDiff(boolean minblk) |
Sets Minimize Blocks Changed Diff option
true or false.
void |
setMinimumLinesDiff(boolean minlin) |
Sets Minimize Lines Changed Diff option
true or false.
void |
setNamedSettingsFile(java.lang.String settname) |
Sets the Named Settings File Name.
void |
setOEMLicenseKey( bais) |
void |
setP1(java.lang.String prefix) |
Sets the prefix for 1st FileName header.
void |
setP2(java.lang.String prefix) |
Sets the prefix for 2nd FileName header.
void |
setParentFile(java.lang.String parntname) |
Sets the Parent File Name.
void |
setParentFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods) |
Sets File Encoding for Parent files.
void |
setParentFolder(java.lang.String parntname) |
Sets the Parent Folder Name.
void |
setParentReader( parntrder) |
Sets the Parent Reader.
void |
setPM(java.lang.String prefix) |
Sets the prefix for Merge FileName header.
void |
setPromote(boolean promo) |
Sets Promote merge option
true or false.
void |
setQtRexs(java.lang.String[] rxs,
int rxi) |
Sets Quietly Ignore Regular Expressions list.
void |
setQtRexTyps(java.lang.String[] rxs,
java.lang.String[] rxt,
int rxi) |
Sets Quietly Ignore Regular Expressions list and Types.
void |
setRepBakMode(java.lang.String rbjopt) |
Sets Replace / Backup mode for Saved files.
void |
setResultFile(java.lang.String resltname) |
Sets the Result File Name.
void |
setResultFolder(java.lang.String resltname) |
Sets the Result Folder Name.
void |
setResultWriter( resltwrer) |
Sets the Result Writer.
void |
setSaveEncoding(java.lang.String encods) |
Sets Save Encoding for Dif, RCS, MergeResult and HTML files.
void |
setSaveSettings(int savset) |
Sets Auto Save Settings control.
void |
setSelectedBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color selbac) |
Sets the Selected background color option.
void |
setSelectedColor(java.awt.Color selcol) |
Sets the Selected text foreground color option.
void |
setShowAdds(boolean sho) |
Sets show files Added (folder compares) option.
void |
setShowAlignSimilarLines(boolean shoasl) |
Sets Show Align similar lines option true or false.
void |
setShowArcs(boolean sharcs) |
Sets show archive filetypes, recursively (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setShowChgs(boolean sho) |
Sets show files Changed (folder compares) option.
void |
setShowContextDiffs(boolean shocxt) |
Sets Show Context Differences option true or false.
void |
setShowContextKB(int conkbs) |
Sets Show Context When KB Size option.
void |
setShowContextSize(int conlns) |
Sets Show Context Differences Size option.
void |
setShowContextWhen(boolean shocxt) |
Sets Show Context When option true or false.
void |
setShowDels(boolean sho) |
Sets show files Deleted (folder compares) option.
void |
setShowFolderDefaultFont(boolean shfcdf) |
Sets show folder compare using default Tree Font true or false.
void |
setShowFolderDetails(boolean shfcdt) |
Sets show folder compare details (Size and Modified date) true or false.
void |
setShowIgnoredDiffs(boolean sig) |
Sets Show Ignored Diffs default is false.
void |
setShowInLineDiffs(boolean shoinl) |
Sets Show InLine Differences option true or false.
void |
setShowInLineDiffsCharacter(boolean shochr) |
Sets Show InLine Diffs Character option true or false.
void |
setShowInLineDiffsString(boolean shostr) |
Sets Show InLine Diffs String option true or false.
void |
setShowInLinePercent(int shopct) |
Sets Show InLine Differences < Percent of line value.
void |
setShowLineNumbers(boolean sholno) |
Sets Show Line Numbers option true or false.
void |
setShowMats(boolean sho) |
Sets show Matching files (folder compares) option.
void |
setShowOnlyDiffs(boolean shonly) |
Sets Show Only Differences option true or false.
void |
setShowSubs(boolean shsubs) |
Sets show subfolders, recursively (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setShowSyntaxHighlighting(boolean shosyn) |
Sets Show Syntax Highlighting option true or false.
void |
setSMFFile(java.lang.String smfname) |
Sets the Saved Merge File Name.
void |
setStyle(java.lang.String styleopt) |
Sets the Style option.
void |
setTabSize(int tabsiz) |
Sets Tab Size option.
void |
setVerifyBxb(boolean verbxb) |
Sets Verify file matches, byte-by-byte (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setVerifySub(boolean versub) |
Sets Verify subfolder matches, (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setVerifyTxt(boolean vertxt) |
Sets Verify file matches, text compare (folder compares) option
true or false.
void |
setViewSplitHorizontal(boolean viwhor) |
Sets View Split Horizontal option true or false.
void |
setViewSplitVertical(boolean viwver) |
Sets View Split Vertical option true or false.
void |
setViewTogether(boolean viwtog) |
Sets View Together option true or false.
void |
setVisible(boolean vis) |
Override JPanel implementation to display registration
Nag Dialog.
action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackground, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputContext, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocale, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getToolkit, getTreeLock, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isShowing, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, postEvent, prepareImage, prepareImage, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, remove, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, resize, resize, setBounds, setBounds, setComponentOrientation, setCursor, setDropTarget, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setLocation, setLocation, setMixingCutoutShape, setName, setSize, setSize, show, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusUpCycle
add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, addImpl, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalKeys, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getLayout, getMousePosition, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, printComponents, processContainerEvent, processEvent, remove, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusCycleRoot, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setLayout, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
addAncestorListener, addNotify, addVetoableChangeListener, computeVisibleRect, contains, createToolTip, disable, enable, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getActionForKeyStroke, getActionMap, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getAncestorListeners, getAutoscrolls, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBorder, getBounds, getClientProperty, getComponentGraphics, getComponentPopupMenu, getConditionForKeyStroke, getDebugGraphicsOptions, getDefaultLocale, getFontMetrics, getGraphics, getHeight, getInheritsPopupMenu, getInputMap, getInputMap, getInputVerifier, getInsets, getInsets, getListeners, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getNextFocusableComponent, getPopupLocation, getPreferredSize, getRegisteredKeyStrokes, getRootPane, getSize, getToolTipLocation, getToolTipText, getToolTipText, getTopLevelAncestor, getTransferHandler, getVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVisibleRect, getWidth, getX, getY, grabFocus, hide, isDoubleBuffered, isLightweightComponent, isManagingFocus, isOpaque, isOptimizedDrawingEnabled, isPaintingForPrint, isPaintingOrigin, isPaintingTile, isRequestFocusEnabled, isValidateRoot, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintComponent, paintImmediately, paintImmediately, print, printAll, printBorder, printChildren, printComponent, processComponentKeyEvent, processKeyBinding, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, putClientProperty, registerKeyboardAction, registerKeyboardAction, removeAncestorListener, removeNotify, removeVetoableChangeListener, repaint, repaint, requestDefaultFocus, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resetKeyboardActions, reshape, revalidate, scrollRectToVisible, setActionMap, setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, setAutoscrolls, setBackground, setBorder, setComponentPopupMenu, setDebugGraphicsOptions, setDefaultLocale, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFont, setForeground, setInheritsPopupMenu, setInputMap, setInputVerifier, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setNextFocusableComponent, setOpaque, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setToolTipText, setTransferHandler, setUI, setVerifyInputWhenFocusTarget, unregisterKeyboardAction, update
public static final int SAVESETS_OFF
public static final int SAVESETS_ONPROMPT
public static final int SAVESETS_ONQUIET
public GuiffyPanel(boolean usesettings)
- the boolean value that specifies whether to
load and set the user's SavedSettings.public void setVisible(boolean vis)
in class javax.swing.JComponent
public void setOEMLicenseKey( bais)
public void setGuiffyExit(GuiffyExit hook)
- GuiffyExit hookGuiffyExit
public void compareFiles(boolean vis) throws
First, checks each File.exists(), !File.isDirectory, and File.canRead().
NOTE: If the file's Reader is set, the above checks are avoided.
Throws an IOException on any error.
Then, sets Frame Visible(or NOT) and performs the compare.
- the boolean value that specifies whether to make
- if files don't exist, are a folder, or can't readpublic void mergeFiles(boolean vis) throws
First, checks 1st, 2nd, and Parent File.exists(), !File.isDirectory, and File.canRead().
NOTE: If the file's Reader is set, the above checks are avoided.
Checks Result !File.isDirectory().
NOTE: If the file's Writer is set, the above check is avoided.
Throws an IOException on any error.
Then, sets Frame Visible(or NOT) and performs the compare(s) and merge.
If a Parent file is specified, each file is compared with the Parent and all non-conflicting changes are automatically merged. The UI displays each change(without a Parent file specified) or only the changes which have a conflict to allow the user selection of the changes to be applied in the merge. And, the user can perform editing of the text in the merge view.
- the boolean value that specifies whether to make
- if input files don't exist, are a folder, or can't
- if result file is a folder, or can't writepublic void mergeCVSFile(boolean vis) throws
First, checks CVS File.exists(), !File.isDirectory, and File.canRead().
Checks Result !File.isDirectory().
Throws an IOException on any error.
Then, sets Frame Visible(or NOT) and performs the open and merge.
The UI displays each conflict to allow the user selection of the changes to be applied in the merge. And, the user can perform editing of the text in the merge view.
- the boolean value that specifies whether to make
- if CVS input file doesn't exist, is a folder, or can't
- if result file is a folder, or can't writepublic void mergeSMFFile(boolean vis) throws
First, checks Saved Merge File.exists(), !File.isDirectory, and File.canRead().
Checks Result !File.isDirectory().
Throws an IOException on any error.
Then, sets Frame Visible(or NOT) and performs the open and merge.
The UI displays each unsresolved change to allow the user selection of the changes to be applied in the merge. And, the user can perform editing of the text in the merge view.
- the boolean value that specifies whether to make
- if Saved Merge input file doesn't exist, is a folder, or can't
- if result file is a folder, or can't writepublic void compareFolders(boolean vis) throws
First, checks each File.exists(), File.isDirectory, and File.canRead().
Throws an IOException on any error.
Then, sets Frame Visible(or NOT) and performs the compare.
- the boolean value that specifies whether to make
- if folders don't exist, are not a folder,
or can't readpublic void saveDiff(java.lang.String diffname)
- the Saved Differences File name as a complete path.public void actionOpenCMFiles()
public void actionOpenCFolders()
public void actionPrint()
public void actionOpenCVS()
public void actionOpenSMF()
public void actionSaveSettings()
public void actionSaveMerge()
public void actionSave1st()
public void actionSave2nd()
public void actionSave1stAs()
public void actionSave2ndAs()
public void actionSaveDiff()
public void actionSaveAsUnifiedDiff()
public void actionSaveHTML()
public void actionSaveMergeExit()
public void actionExitMerge()
public void actionUndo()
public void actionRedo()
public void actionCopy()
public void actionPaste()
public void actionMark()
public void actionFlip()
public void actionRep2ndin1st()
public void actionRep1stin2nd()
public void actionOptsIgnore()
public void actionOptsShow()
public void actionOptsFolderIgnore()
public void actionOptsFolderShow()
public void actionOptsCompareMerge()
public void actionOptsFont()
public void actionOptsColor()
public void actionOptsStyle()
public void actionOptsSyntaxHighlightingFileTypes()
public void actionOptsSyntaxHighlightingStyles()
public void actionOptsEOLs()
public void actionOptsEncode()
public void actionOptsFTypes()
public void actionOptsShortcuts()
public void actionViewRefresh()
public void actionViewSplitVertical()
public void actionViewSplitHorizontal()
public void actionViewTogether()
public void actionFind()
public void actionNextAttention()
public void actionPreviousAttention()
public void actionKeepUndoAll()
public void actionMergeAutoShiftR()
public void actionMergeAutoShiftN()
public void actionMergeAutoShiftD()
public void actionNextChange()
public void actionPreviousChange()
public void actionHelpContents()
public void actionHelpIndex()
public void actionHelpSearch()
public void actionHelpAbout()
public void setNamedSettingsFile(java.lang.String settname)
- the Saved Settings File name as a complete path.public void set1stFile(java.lang.String firstname)
- the 1st File name as a complete path.public void set2ndFile(java.lang.String secndname)
- the 2nd File name as a complete path.public void setParentFile(java.lang.String parntname)
- the Parent File name as a complete path.public void setResultFile(java.lang.String resltname)
- the Result File name as a complete path.public void set1stReader( firstrder)
- the 1st Reader.public void set2ndReader( secndrder)
- the 2nd Reader.public void set1stWriter( firstwrer)
- the 1st Writer.public void set2ndWriter( secndwrer)
- the 2nd Writer.public void setParentReader( parntrder)
- the Parent Reader.public void setResultWriter( resltwrer)
- the Result Writer.public void setAutoHTMLWriter( ahtmlwrer)
- the Result Writer.public void setCVSFile(java.lang.String cvsctname)
- the CVS conflict File name as a complete path.public void setSMFFile(java.lang.String smfname)
- the Saved Merge File name as a complete path.public void set1stFolder(java.lang.String firstname)
- the 1st Folder name as a complete path.public void set2ndFolder(java.lang.String secndname)
- the 2nd Folder name as a complete path.public void setParentFolder(java.lang.String parntname)
- the Parent Folder name as a complete path.public void setResultFolder(java.lang.String resltname)
- the Result File name as a complete path.public void setIgnoreCase(boolean igncas)
- the boolean value that determines whether case differences
are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreWhitespace(boolean ignwhi)
- the boolean value that determines whether whitespace
differences are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace(boolean igs)
- the boolean value that determines whether leading whitespace
differences are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreEmbeddedWhiteSpace(boolean igs)
- the boolean value that determines whether embedded whitespace
differences are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreTrailingWhiteSpace(boolean igs)
- the boolean value that determines whether trailing whitespace
differences are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreEOLWhiteSpace(boolean igs)
- the boolean value that determines whether EOL whitespace
differences are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreBlanklines(boolean ignbln)
- the boolean value that determines whether blanklines
inserted or deleted are ignored during the compare.public void setIgnoreField(int begcol, int endcol)
- the ignore field's beginning columnendcol
- the ignore field's ending columnpublic void setIgnoreField2(int begcol, int endcol)
- the ignore field's beginning columnendcol
- the ignore field's ending columnpublic void setQtRexs(java.lang.String[] rxs, int rxi)
- the String array of ignore regular expressions.rxi
- the number of regular expressions.public void setQtRexTyps(java.lang.String[] rxs, java.lang.String[] rxt, int rxi)
- the String array of ignore regular expressions.rxt
- the String array of Types(Line,Part, or Block).rxi
- the number of regular expressions.public void setRepBakMode(java.lang.String rbjopt)
- the String value of "Replace", "Confirm", "Backup"
or "Journal" specifies
the Replace / Backup mode for Saved Files.public void setVerifyBxb(boolean verbxb)
- the boolean value that determines whether file matches
are verified, byte-by-byte during folder compares.public void setVerifyTxt(boolean vertxt)
- the boolean value that determines whether file matches
are verified, text compare during folder compares.public void setVerifySub(boolean versub)
- the boolean value that determines whether subfolder matches
are verified, during folder compares.public void setIgnoreDateandTime(boolean igmdat)
- the boolean value that determines whether modified
date and time is ignored during folder compares.public void setIgnoreFileSize(boolean igfsiz)
- the boolean value that determines whether file
size is ignored during folder compares.public void setIgnoreSymbolicLinks(boolean igsyml)
- the boolean value that determines whether symbolic
links are ignored during folder compares.public void setShowSubs(boolean shsubs)
- the boolean value that determines whether to show
subfolders (recursively) during folder compares.public void setShowArcs(boolean sharcs)
- the boolean value that determines whether to show
archive filetypes (recursively) during folder compares.public void setShowFolderDetails(boolean shfcdt)
- the boolean value that specifies to show folder compare
detailspublic void setShowFolderDefaultFont(boolean shfcdf)
- the boolean value that specifies to show folder compare
using default Tree Fontpublic void setShowMats(boolean sho)
- the boolean value for whether to show Matching files.public void setShowAdds(boolean sho)
- the boolean value for whether to show files Added.public void setShowDels(boolean sho)
- the boolean value for whether to show files Deleted.public void setShowChgs(boolean sho)
- the boolean value for whether to show files Changed.public void setIgnoreSubs(java.lang.String igsubs)
- the string value list of subfolders to ignore.
The list of subfolders are separated by ';'s.public void setIgnoreFils(java.lang.String igfils)
- the string value list of files to ignore.
The list of file are separated by ';'s.public void setIgnoreAllFilsExcept(boolean igafe)
- the boolean value that indicates All Except
files are ignored during folder compares.public void setIgnoreTyps(java.lang.String igtyps)
- the string value list of filetypes to ignore.
The list of filetypes like .class are separated by ';'s.public void setIgnoreAllTypsExcept(boolean igate)
- the boolean value that indicates All Except
filetypes are ignored during folder compares.public void setTabSize(int tabsiz)
- the int value that specifies tab size for the text views.public void setShowOnlyDiffs(boolean shonly)
- the boolean value that specifies to show only the
differences in compare views.public void setShowContextDiffs(boolean shocxt)
- the boolean value that specifies to show context around
differences in compare views.public void setShowContextSize(int conlns)
- the number of lines of context to show before and after
differences. If less than 1, default of 10 is used.
If greater than 48, value of 48 is used.public void setShowContextWhen(boolean shocxt)
- the boolean value that specifies to show context when
files are > specified KB in size.public void setShowContextKB(int conkbs)
- show context when file is > KB.
If less than 1, default of 400 is used.public void setShowInLineDiffs(boolean shoinl)
- the boolean value that specifies to show InLine diffs
in compare views.public void setShowInLinePercent(int shopct)
- the int value that specifies to show InLine diffs
when < percent of line length.public void setShowInLineDiffsString(boolean shostr)
- the boolean value that specifies to show InLine diffs
as a single string in compare views.public void setShowInLineDiffsCharacter(boolean shochr)
- the boolean value that specifies to show InLine diffs
Char by Char in compare views.public void setShowAlignSimilarLines(boolean shoasl)
- the boolean value that specifies to show Align similar
lines in file compare views.public void setShowLineNumbers(boolean sholno)
- the boolean value that specifies to show Line Numbers
in compare views.public void setShowSyntaxHighlighting(boolean shosyn)
- the boolean value that specifies to show Syntax
Highlighting in compare/merge views.public void setShowIgnoredDiffs(boolean sig)
- the boolean value for show ignored diffspublic void setEOLOption(java.lang.String eolopt)
- the String value of "DOS", "MacOS" or "Unix" specifies
the format for writing End-Of-Lines in Saved Files.public void setEOLAutoMode(boolean sam)
- the boolean value that specifies EOL AutoModepublic void setFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods)
- the String value of the Encoding such as "ASCII", "UTF8",
"SJIS", "Cp500" (for EBCDIC) etc. - Over 100 formats supported.public void set1stFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods)
- the String value of the Encoding such as "ASCII", "UTF8",
"SJIS", "Cp500" (for EBCDIC) etc. - Over 100 formats supported.public void set2ndFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods)
- the String value of the Encoding such as "ASCII", "UTF8",
"SJIS", "Cp500" (for EBCDIC) etc. - Over 100 formats supported.public void setParentFileEncoding(java.lang.String encods)
- the String value of the Encoding such as "ASCII", "UTF8",
"SJIS", "Cp500" (for EBCDIC) etc. - Over 100 formats supported.public void setSaveEncoding(java.lang.String encods)
- the String value of the Encoding such as "ASCII", "UTF8",
"SJIS", "Cp500" (for EBCDIC) etc. - Over 100 formats supported.public void setEncodingAutoMode(boolean sam)
- the boolean value that specifies Encoding AutoModepublic void setMatchingFont(java.awt.Font matfon)
- the Font for Matching text.public void setInsertsFont(java.awt.Font insfon)
- the Font for Inserted text.public void setDeletesFont(java.awt.Font delfon)
- the Font for Deleted text.public void setLineNumFont(java.awt.Font linfon)
- the Font for LineNumbers.public void setFillerFont(java.awt.Font filfon)
- the Font for Fillers.public void setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color baccol)
- the Color for Backgrounds.public void setMatchingColor(java.awt.Color matcol)
- the Color for Matching text foreground.public void setMatchingBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color matbac)
- the Color for Matching background.public void setInsertsColor(java.awt.Color inscol)
- the Color for Inserted text foreground.public void setInsertsBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color insbac)
- the Color for Inserted background.public void setDeletesColor(java.awt.Color delcol)
- the Color for Deleted text foreground.public void setDeletesBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color delbac)
- the Color for Deleted background.public void setChangedBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color chnbac)
- the Color for Changed background.public void setSelectedColor(java.awt.Color selcol)
- the Color for Selected text foreground.public void setSelectedBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color selbac)
- the Color for Selected background.public void setLineNumColor(java.awt.Color lincol)
- the Color for LineNumbers foreground.public void setLineNumBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color linbac)
- the Color for LineNumbers background.public void setFillerColor(java.awt.Color filcol)
- the Color for Filler foreground.public void setFillerBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color filbac)
- the Color for Filler background.public void setStyle(java.lang.String styleopt)
- the String value of "Guiffy2022Dark"
or "Guiffy2015(air)" specifies the Style name.public void setViewTogether(boolean viwtog)
- the boolean value that specifies to show differences
together in one compare view.public void setViewSplitVertical(boolean viwver)
- the boolean value that specifies to show differences
split vertically side-by-side in compare views.public void setViewSplitHorizontal(boolean viwhor)
- the boolean value that specifies to show differences
split horizontally one-over-the-other in compare views.public void setComparEditBarVisible(boolean vcebar)
- the boolean value that specifies to show ComparEdit Bar.public void setAllow1stEditing(boolean alledi)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Editingpublic void setAllow2ndEditing(boolean alledi)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Editingpublic void setAllow1stPopup(boolean allpop)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Popup menupublic void setAllow2ndPopup(boolean allpop)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Popup menupublic void setAllowTogetherPopup(boolean allpop)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Popup menupublic void setAllowMergePopup(boolean allpop)
- the boolean value that specifies to allow Popup menupublic void setPM(java.lang.String prefix)
- the prefix for the Merge filename header.public void setP1(java.lang.String prefix)
- the prefix for the 1st filename header.public void setP2(java.lang.String prefix)
- the prefix for the 2nd filename header.public void setHM(java.lang.String header)
- the Merge filename header.public void setH1(java.lang.String header)
- the 1st filename header.public void setH2(java.lang.String header)
- the 2nd filename header.public void setEditableHM(boolean hdredi)
- the editable switch, default true.public void setEditableH1(boolean hdredi)
- the editable switch, default true.public void setEditableH2(boolean hdredi)
- the editable switch, default true.public void setAutoDiff(boolean autod, java.lang.String autodfn)
- the boolean value that specifies to Automatically
Save the Difference after Compare and then Exit.autodfn
- the Save Diff File name as a complete path.public void setAutoHTML(boolean autoh, java.lang.String autohfn)
- the boolean value that specifies to Automatically
Save as HTML after Compare and then Exit.autohfn
- the Save HTML File name set as a complete path.public void setAutoMerg(boolean autom)
- the boolean value that specifies to Automatically
Save Merge after Merge and then Exit.public void setMinimumLinesDiff(boolean minlin)
- the boolean value that determines which diff
algorithm is used - Minimize Lines/Blocks changed.public void setMinimumBlocksDiff(boolean minblk)
- the boolean value that determines which diff
algorithm is used - Minimize Lines/Blocks changed.public void setPromote(boolean promo)
- the boolean value for Promote merge option.public void setExpandedFocus(int expfoc)
- the integer value that expands the attention(conflict)
focus for SureMerge.public void setMergeAutoShift(java.lang.String shifts)
- the string "Reverse", "Neutral", or "Drive".public void setSaveSettings(int savset)
- the integer value that controls the auto save settings.public void resetOptions()
public void resetSavedSettings()
public getImageResource(java.lang.String ims)
- the Image Resource ...For example:
JButton saveBut = new JButton(
new ImageIcon(gp.getImageResource("buttonicons/save.png")));public boolean getIgnoreCase()
public boolean getIgnoreWhitespace()
public boolean getIgnoreLeadingWhiteSpace()
public boolean getIgnoreEmbeddedWhiteSpace()
public boolean getIgnoreTrailingWhiteSpace()
public boolean getIgnoreEOLWhiteSpace()
public boolean getIgnoreBlanklines()
public int getIgnoreFieldBegin()
public int getIgnoreFieldEnd()
public int getIgnoreField2Begin()
public int getIgnoreField2End()
public java.lang.String[] getQtRexs()
public java.lang.String[] getQtReTypes()
public java.lang.String getRepBakMode()
public boolean getVerifyBxb()
public boolean getVerifyTxt()
public boolean getVerifySub()
public boolean getIgnoreDateandTime()
public boolean getIgnoreFileSize()
public boolean getIgnoreSymbolicLinks()
public boolean getShowSubs()
public boolean getShowArcs()
public boolean getShowFolderDetails()
public boolean getShowFolderDefaultFont()
public boolean getShowMats()
public boolean getShowAdds()
public boolean getShowDels()
public boolean getShowChgs()
public java.lang.String getIgnoreSubs()
public java.lang.String getIgnoreFils()
public boolean getIgnoreAllFilsExcept()
public java.lang.String getIgnoreTyps()
public boolean getIgnoreAllTypsExcept()
public int getTabSize()
public boolean getShowOnlyDiffs()
public boolean getShowContextDiffs()
public int getShowContextSize()
public boolean getShowContextWhen()
public int getShowContextKB()
public boolean getShowInLineDiffs()
public int getShowInLineDiffsPercent()
public boolean getShowInLineDiffsString()
public boolean getShowInLineDiffsCharacter()
public boolean getShowAlignSimilarLines()
public boolean getShowLineNumbers()
public boolean getShowSyntaxHighlighting()
public boolean getShowIgnoredDiffs()
public java.lang.String getEOLOption()
public boolean getEOLAutoMode()
public java.lang.String getFileEncoding()
public java.lang.String get1stFileEncoding()
public java.lang.String get2ndFileEncoding()
public java.lang.String getParentFileEncoding()
public java.lang.String getSaveEncoding()
public boolean getEncodingAutoMode()
public java.awt.Font getMatchingFont()
public java.awt.Font getInsertsFont()
public java.awt.Font getDeletesFont()
public java.awt.Font getLineNumFont()
public java.awt.Font getFillerFont()
public java.awt.Color getBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getMatchingColor()
public java.awt.Color getMatchingBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getInsertsColor()
public java.awt.Color getInsertsBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getDeletesColor()
public java.awt.Color getDeletesBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getChangedBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getSelectedColor()
public java.awt.Color getSelectedBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getLineNumColor()
public java.awt.Color getLineNumBackgroundColor()
public java.awt.Color getFillerColor()
public java.awt.Color getFillerBackgroundColor()
public boolean getViewTogether()
public boolean getViewSplitVertical()
public boolean getViewSplitHorizontal()
public boolean getComparEditBarVisible()
public java.lang.String getPM()
public java.lang.String getP1()
public java.lang.String getP2()
public java.lang.String getHM()
public java.lang.String getH1()
public java.lang.String getH2()
public boolean getAutoDiff()
public boolean getAutoHTML()
public boolean getAutoMerg()
public boolean getMinimumLinesDiff()
public boolean getMinimumBlocksDiff()
public boolean getPromote()
public int getExpandedFocus()
public java.lang.String getMergeAutoShift()
public int getNumberofChanges()
public int getNumberof1stApplied()
public int getNumberof2ndApplied()
public int getNumberofAttentions()
public int getNumberofMergesToDo()